Komuna e Parisit,
Web Site Address: http://www.unyt.edu.al
Data Structures
Spring 2017
Course :
Data Structures (3 credit hours)
Instructor : Assoc. Prof. Marenglen Biba
Office : Faculty
building 2nd floor
Office Hours : Wednesday 12-14 or
by appointment
Phone : 42273056 / ext.
E-mail :
Course page : http://www.marenglenbiba.net/ds/
Location and Time
Laboratory Room LAB 3, Monday
This course couples work on program design,
analysis, and verification with an introduction to the study of data
structures. Data structures capture common ways to store and manipulate data,
and they are important in the construction of sophisticated computer programs.
Students write JAVA programs, ranging from very short programs to more
elaborate systems. Upon completion of this course, students should be able to:
work on almost all widely used data structures.
Course Outcomes
Upon course completion, students
will have demonstrated the ability to do the following:
Data Structures and Problem Solving Using Java, 4/E. Mark A. Weiss. Addison-Wesley, 2010. ISBN-10: 0321541405.
Schaum's Outline of Data Structures with Java, Second Edition 2nd, John Hubbard, McGraw-Hill Education; 2 edition (April 22, 2007), 2007.
Prerequisite courses
Object-Oriented Programming
in Java
Course Requirements
Students are required to attend
lectures and labs. Lecture handouts and lab notes
will be available before commencement of the class. Students are expected to
participate in class discussions. In the event of illness or
emergency, contact your instructor IN ADVANCE to determine whether special
arrangements are possible.
Participation: Participation extends beyond mere attendance. You may miss up to two
classes without penalty. Each absence beyond the first two will cost you points
off of your participation grade. The only exceptions to this rule are severe
illness (doctor’s note required) and UNYT approved trips/activities.
Appropriate documentation for absences beyond the first two is necessary and is
to be provided on the class day directly before or after the one you miss.
Students are expected to collect materials from the online course page, their
classmates or see the instructor during consultation hours.
Exams: Two
examinations will be taken one midterm and one final. Test format may combine a
mixture of Definitions, Blanks, and short answers, two or three Essay questions
covering all readings, lecture, and hand-out and class discussion content. No
Student may miss a scheduled exam without receiving permission before the
administration of the exam. Make-up exams might be significantly different from
the regular tests, and will be administered at a time of instructor own
Project: I will announce projects usually based on the chapters/materials covered in class. Due dates will be specified accordingly. Projects must be submitted as specified to be considered on-time. Late assignments are accepted with the following penalties: -2 if submitted the next day it is due, and -1 for each day late after that. I will accept e-mail submissions.
Make-up policy Midterm/Final exam: Only students who miss an exam for university-approved and verifiable reasons will be allowed to take a make-up exam. Even then, except in the most extreme circumstances, no student may miss a scheduled exam without receiving permission before the administration of the exam. Make-up exams might be significantly different in format from the regular tests, and will be administered at a time of my own convenience.
policy: Cheating policy: Exams, assignments, projects and quizzes are subject to the STUDENT
University’s rules on academic dishonesty (e.g. cheating, plagiarism,
submitting false information) will be strictly enforced. Please familiarize
yourself with the STUDENT HONOUR CODE, or ask me for clarification.
Grading Policy
Project |
40% |
Midterm |
30% |
Final |
30% |
Grading Scale (Standard UNYT grading scale)
Grade |
(%) |
Accepted Meaning |
96-100 |
work |
A- |
90-95 |
B+ |
87-89 |
work, distinctly above average |
B |
83-86 |
B- |
80-82 |
C+ |
77-79 |
work |
C |
73-76 |
C- |
70-72 |
D+ |
67-69 |
that is significantly below average |
D |
63-66 |
D- |
60-62 |
F |
0-59 |
that does not meet minimum standards for passing the course |
Technology Expectations
1. Internet use is
necessary since students should regularly check the course home page.
2. Continued and
regular use of e-mail is expected
3. Students must keep
copies of all assignments and projects sent by e-mail.
Teaching Material
1. Introduction to
abstract data types. The Stack Code Lab1
2. The FIFO structures,
Queues Code Lab2
3. Algorithm Analysis,
Linked Lists Code Lab3
4. Doubly Linked Lists Code Lab4
5. Exercises on Lists Code Lab5
6. Recursions, trees and
binary trees Code Lab6
Midterm exam
10. Graphs Code
12. Fun and games with data
structures and algorithms Code
13. Summary and wrap-up for
final exam
Last updated Wednesday, 28 June 2017, by Assoc. Prof. Marenglen Biba