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Object-Oriented Programming with Java

Spring 2020


Course            : Object-Oriented Programming with Java (4 credit hours)

Instructor        : Assoc. Prof. Dr. Marenglen Biba

Office              : Faculty building 2nd floor

Office Hours   : Wednesday 11-13 or by appointment

Phone               : 0445 12345 / ext. 346

E-mail              :

Course page   :


Course Location and Time


Laboratory Room Lab 3, Wednesday 13-17.


Prerequisite: Introduction to Programming


Course Description

This course introduces object-oriented programming and the Java language and its architecture. Students will learn how to program in Java and use some of its most important APIs. Special importance will be assigned to the object-oriented nature of Java and its use of polymorphism.

Course Outcomes

Upon course completion, students will have demonstrated the ability to do the following:

·         use Java programming language in object-oriented program design

·         understand the Java architecture and use the Java APIs

·         understand and use inheritance and polymorphism as implemented in Java

·         understand and use the exception handling mechanism of Java

·         perform standard input-output operations

·         understand and use GUI components

Required Readings


Java: How to Program. 9th ed. by Deitel & Deitel, (required)

Thinking in Java. 6th ed. by Bruce Eckel, Pearson Education. (useful as further reading)


Content of the Course



Course Requirements


Students are required to attend lectures and labs. Lecture handouts and lab notes will be available after the class. Students are expected to participate in class discussions. In the event of illness or emergency, contact your instructor IN ADVANCE to determine whether special arrangements are possible.


Participation: Participation extends beyond mere attendance. You may miss up to two classes without penalty. Each absence beyond the first two will cost you points off of your final grade. The only exceptions to this rule are severe illness (doctor’s note required) and UNYT approved trips/activities. Appropriate documentation for absences beyond the first two is necessary and is to be provided on the class day directly before or after the one you miss. Students are expected to collect materials from the online course page, their classmates or see the instructor during consultation hours.


Exams: Two examinations will be taken one midterm and one final. No Student may miss a scheduled exam without receiving permission before the administration of the exam. Make-up exams might be significantly different from the regular tests, and will be administered at a time of instructor own convenience.


Project: I will announce projects usually based on the chapters/materials covered in class. Due dates will be specified accordingly. Projects must be submitted as specified to be considered on-time. Late assignments are accepted with the following penalties: -20% if submitted the next day it is due, and -10% for each day late after that. I will accept e-mail submissions.


Make-up policy Midterm/Final exam: Only students who miss an exam for university-approved and verifiable reasons will be allowed to take a make-up exam. Even then, except in the most extreme circumstances, no student may miss a scheduled exam without receiving permission before the administration of the exam. Make-up exams might be significantly different in format from the regular tests, and will be administered at a time of my own convenience.


Cheating policy: Cheating policy: Exams, assignments, projects and quizzes are subject to the STUDENT HONOUR CODE. The University’s rules on academic dishonesty (e.g. cheating, plagiarism, submitting false information) will be strictly enforced. Please familiarize yourself with the STUDENT HONOUR CODE, or ask me for clarification.


Learning Difficulties: If you feel that you have encountered special learning difficulties or serious problems that interfere with your studies, please make an appointment with UNYT Counseling Center. For more information, please contact me and or your academic advisor.


Grading Policy









Grading Scale (Standard UNYT grading scale)

Letter Grade

Percent (%)

Generally Accepted Meaning



Outstanding work





Good work, distinctly above average







Acceptable work







Work that is significantly below average







Work that does not meet minimum standards for passing the course


Technology Expectations


1.       Internet use is necessary since students should regularly check the course home page.

2.       Continued and regular use of e-mail is expected

3.       Students must keep copies of all assignments and projects sent by e-mail.



Course Material


1.         Introduction to Java                                                                   Lab1

2.         Introduction to classes and objects                                              Lab2     Solutions2

3.         Classes and Objects                                                                  Lab3     Solutions3

4.         Control statements 1                              Session 2                      Lab4     Solutions4

5.         Methods: a deeper look              Arrays and ArrayLists   Lab5    

6.         Classes and Objects: a deeper look         String and Characters    Lab6

7.         Midterm Exam

8.         Inheritance                                                                                Lab7

9.         Polymorphism                                                                           Lab8

10.        ATM Case Study 1       ATM Case Study 2                               Case Study

11.        Exception Handling                                                                    Lab10

12.        Files and Serialization                 Collections                                Lab 11

12.        GUI Programming in Java – Part I                                             Lab 12

13.        GUI Programming in Java – Part II                                            Lab 13





Sample questions

Sample final exam


Project Specification

Project Extension 1


Course Results


Last updated on 03 June 2020, by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Marenglen Biba